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Tai ChiTai Chi Spells Relief
by Christine Casatelli

Millions of Americans are turning onto the ancient martial art of Tai Chi as a regular ritual for fun and fitness.

Tai Chi (pronounced "tie chee") is a traditional Chinese conditioning exercise that looks like a cross between ballet and meditation. It is based on the belief that good health results from a balanced chi, or life force.

Its choreographed movements, called forms, combine slow, smooth motion with deep breathing and relaxation. A Tai Chi form generally takes about 10 minutes to complete. More complicated forms can include 100 movements and take as long as an hour.

Ideally, Tai Chi should be practiced for 20 to 30 minutes at least three times per week, says Marvin Smalheiser, editor of Tai Chi Magazine and Tai Chi practitioner for 30 years.

But a new learner can get some benefit right away, he adds.

"Doing just one movement can help you relax," Smalheiser says.

The physical benefits of this 700-year-old martial art, which was once used by monks for self-defense, have been recently documented.

"Tai Chi improves cardiovascular fitness, lung capacity, mind control, and relaxation — all these help asthma."

— Dr. Paul Lam, family physician

"There are several studies that have shown Tai Chi improves cardiovascular fitness, lung capacity, mind control, and relaxation," says Dr. Paul Lam, a family physician in Sydney, Australia.

Lam began learning Tai Chi more than 20 years ago to help his arthritis, and continues to study its benefits.

Some medical evidence of Tai Chi's healthy properties include:

  • Balance — Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (May 3, 1995) showed Tai Chi significantly reduced the number of falls among elderly study participants. The study also showed a 25 percent decrease in injuries when participants did fall.
  • Blood pressure — Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have reported that Tai Chi appeared to lower blood pressure in older adults nearly as much as moderate aerobic exercise.
  • Arthritis — Doctors from the University of Florida conducted research on a group who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. Some people who practiced Tai Chi showed greater upper extremity range of motion after completing the program than the others in the group who did not participate.

Tai Chi is also helpful in reducing the incidence of asthma, Lam says, though there's no research to support it.

"Tai Chi improves cardiovascular fitness, lung capacity, mind control, and relaxation — all these help asthma," he says.

Adelaide Juguilon used to have problems riding her bike up hills.

"I would usually get an asthma attack in the middle," says the 28-year-old Web site producer. "Now I do Tai Chi every day and it's not a problem."

Juguilon, who was diagnosed with asthma almost three years ago, credits Tai Chi for helping her improve her breathing.

"It strengthens my lungs like an opera singer," she says. "I'm able to take bigger breaths and hold them in longer."

The overall effect of Tai Chi is that it helps people take control over their bodies, Lam says. He cautions, however, that anyone thinking of starting Tai Chi needs to consult a doctor first.

"Over the years of teaching Tai Chi, I have had many of our students report back to me that they use less medication — some don't even need any medication at all," he says.


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